Tips for Talking on the phone with hearing aids
Here at Hearing Care of Palatine we want to keep YOU connected to your friends and family! If you have hearing aids and are struggling with hearing on the phone, here are some tips!

Tips for Talking on the Phone with Hearing Aids
Here at Hearing Care of Palatine, we want to keep YOU connected to your friends and family! If you have hearing aids and are struggling with hearing on the phone, here are some tips:
Before we begin, NOT all hearing aids are the same and how you talk on the phone will depend on which style of hearing aid you’re currently wearing.
There are many styles of hearing aids but for the purpose of this article, we will be categorizing them into two categories, non-custom and custom hearing aids.
Does your hearing aid go behind your ear with either a thin wire or tube attached to a dome or custom ear mold? If yes, you are fit with a non-custom hearing aid in the style of either a Behind the Ear BTE or Receiver in the Ear/ Receiver in the Canal RITE/RIC
With this particular style, the hearing aid microphones are on the body of the hearing aid.
What NOT to do: Do not hold your phone to your ear where the dome or ear mold are inserted as you would without hearing aids.
What to do for optimal hearing: Hold the phone to the body of your hearing aid behind your ear so that the microphones can amplify the sound.
If your hearing aid does not go behind your ear and only inserts into your ear canal, you are wearing a custom hearing aid or a non-custom In the Ear (ITE). With these hearing aids, the microphones are inside of your ear so you can hold the phone to your ear as you would without hearing aids.
If you are still struggling to hear, talk with your hearing care provider about the possibility of connecting your hearing aids to your cell phone through bluetooth or an accessory. If you are using a landline, you may be eligible for a free amplified and captioned phone that can be installed in your home at no charge.